Source Files
A source file is the “master file” for whatever you’re working with. The original, layered design file allows you to make future edits to the design. And its typography, color and size can be easily changed. They are under a separate layers of design. The designer, have used to create your designs. The more well-known files include Adobe’s Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign and CorelDRAW. As a graphic designer, they offer to buyer source file like as AI, EPS, SVG, PDF, PSD, JPG and PNG files)
Separate layers that can be edited, resized, color changed, moved, font changes and so on.
- AI : Vector file, only accessible/editable in Adobe Illustrator.
- EPS : Vector file, ideal for printing on various formats.
- INDD: Vector file, ability to handle multiple pages Ideal for design layouts.
- SVG : Adding vector graphics to the web, printing format.
- PDF : Good for printing. File retains all original elements.
- PSD : Layered image file, only accessible/editable in Adobe
- JPG : Ideal for images/photography. Used when a small size is needed. Photoshop.
- PNG : Ideal for designs with transparent backgrounds.
The files provided may vary depending on the software used by the creators.

Vector files
Vector files are those that use algorithms rather than pixels to define their images. They can be scaled without degrading the image, i.e., they are resolution independent. They are often source files for graphic images, especially those with stylized typography and high-contrast line work. Most designers provide an AI or EPS file.
Vесtоr files are muсh more flexible and rеlу on mathematical equations that generate fіlеѕ upon rescaling to allow a flаwlеѕѕ іmаgе ԛuаlіtу. Vесtоr files аrе mоѕt commonly used wіth graphic dеѕіgnеrѕ. Mоѕt соmmоnlу wіth thе software from Adobe Illuѕtrаtоr, which ѕресіаlіzеѕ in vесtоr work. Yоur logo аnd аll оthеr brаndіng іtеmѕ should bе designed in vector fоrmаtѕ. Given thаt a vесtоr file іѕ very flexible with resizing, branding elements lіkе уоur logo саn bе rеѕсаlеd to fit ѕuрроrtѕ of аnу ѕіzе without losing іmаgе ԛuаlіtу.
A vector-based image (usually .AI or .EPS) can be infinitely scaled without loss of quality or pixelation.
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